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Inspirit Senior Living

Inspirit Senior Living

senior living facility

How Can You Tell a Senior isn’t Happy at a Senior Living Facility and How Can You Change it

You can’t really expect a senior to stay happy at a senior living facility from the first day. Leaving the place that they’ve known as their home all their life and their family behind to live in an unfamiliar facility is bound to make a senior feel sad, lonely, and depressed. To ensure senior residents

How Can You Tell a Senior isn’t Happy at a Senior Living Facility and How Can You Change it Read More »

mental health

Ensuring Sound Mental Health in Seniors in a Senior Living Facility

Your tolerance and temperament to step outside your comfort zone decreases as you age. You’re generally more flexible and adaptable when younger than in old age. Considering this, we can’t expect the elderly to adjust to a senior living facility easily. No matter how well it’s maintained or how great the people there are, a

Ensuring Sound Mental Health in Seniors in a Senior Living Facility Read More »

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