Inspirit Senior Living
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Living with Dementia & Alzheimer’s

Health conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s tend to seep into every aspect of a senior’s life, as well as the lives of those around them. Living with such problems does pose some trouble, which can get severely disheartening for patients.

Keeping a Positive Outlook

If you’ve been diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer’s, it’s important to keep some things in mind to make your daily life easier.

For one thing, regardless of any problems you may have with memory or concentration, you are still you, and you shouldn’t lose your sense of self.

Second, everyone experiences these conditions differently, and you shouldn’t be afraid to voice any concerns you have about your health and capabilities just because other patients don’t have them.  

Lastly, you should try to focus on the things you can do and stay positive. Otherwise, it’s very easy to fall into depression, and this only makes these problems harder to live with.

Staying Socially Active

Keeping up with social activities like meeting your friends, going out to the cinema every once in a while, or even just being part of social groups like walking groups or choirs can be great for keeping yourself mentally healthy.

An active social life is also good for caretakers, and there are many communities that many dementia and Alzheimer’s friendly groups that you can join and interact with to keep up your confidence.

Let Others Know

It can be hard to tell people about your condition but if you feel ready to do so, it is a good idea to let others know about it. That way, they’ll understand when you have trouble with something, such as keeping track of a conversation or remembering their names. When others help you out with tasks you find difficult, you’ll have an easier time managing your mental and physical health as well as your relationships with others.

Take Care of Your Health

It’s important to make sure your mental and physical health are both being looked after. As with any condition, your diet and exercise routine matters a lot, as does your sleep schedule. Mental health troubles are common in patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s so you should see if you can find a therapist who can help you adjust to the changes and keep your mental condition stable.

Coping With the Condition

Dealing with memory loss or slower thinking speed can hinder the ease of your daily life, so you should adopt habits that help you cope with these problems. For example, you can keep lists to remind yourself of important things, such as bills and emergency numbers. Use pill organizers so you don’t forget what medicines to take and when, and try to keep a regular daily routine.

Don’t Be Afraid to Get Help

Don’t shy away from getting help when you need it! In the early stages, it may seem like you can manage on your own, these conditions progress and worsen, and you will eventually find yourself struggling. It is best to get a diagnosis early on so you can identify which areas you can benefit from so you can find a social worker who can assist you.

At Inspirit Senior Living, we provide the best assisted living and senior care for those struggling with such conditions.

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