Inspirit Senior Living
senior living facility

Amenities to Look For in a Senior Living Facility

If you’ve got an elderly living with you who you think will be taken care of better at a senior living facility, you might be pretty exhausted. From preparing your loved one to agree to relocate to a senior living facility to finding the right facility, it’s a lot of work which can be very overwhelming.

You should visit several senior living facilities before deciding which one to enroll your loved one. As much as all facilities will claim to be the best, remember that not all of them are the same. You should ensure that you’re choosing the suitable senior living facility for your loved one to rest assured that they’ll be looked after just as well as you would yourself.

We’ve listed some important amenities that you must look for in a senior living facility. While all facilities have basic facilities, you should choose the one that goes the extra mile to make your dear one feel comfortable.


You certainly wouldn’t want your dear one to live in a dirty room or use a dirty washroom. One of the first amenities that you should look for in a senior living facility is the quality and frequency of housekeeping. Choose a facility where the housekeeping is done at least twice a day. You can request the management to let you visit the bathrooms and bedrooms so that you can see how good the housekeeping is.

Laundry Services

The elderly definitely can’t do their laundry themselves. Even if they can, it doesn’t mean they should. At the age they are, they should rest and relax as much as they can. Choose a senior living facility that offers laundry services so that your dear one always has washed and ironed clothes to wear.

Physical Activities

This goes without saying that not all physical activities and exercises are suitable for the elderly. One of the most essential amenities you should look for when choosing a senior living facility is whether there’s a professional trainer onboard to ensure the senior residents are engaged in healthy physical activities to stay fit and healthy. The suitable physical activity not only offers benefits for physical health but is also highly beneficial for mental health.

Medication Management

Not all seniors are healthy and active enough to stay on top of their medication. It would be best if you enrolled your beloved senior in a senior living facility that offers medication management where there are dedicated professionals to ensure the residents are taking their medicines on time. You wouldn’t want your loved ones to miss their critical medicines, and choosing a facility with a medication management program will offer you peace of mind.


If the senior living facility doesn’t offer any entertainment for the senior residents, they’ll get bored, miss home and their family, and may feel sad and even depressed. The best senior facilities are the ones that have adequate arrangements for the entertainment of senior citizens in place. It would help if you looked for entertainment options like musical classes and programs, arts and crafts activities, and board games.

Knowing your loved ones are comfortable and happy in their new homes, you’ll feel better. If you’re looking for a senior living facility where you can be absolutely sure that everything is well taken care of, from hygiene to meals to healthcare, Inspirit Senior Living is the right choice.

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